UTMB Galveston
Transition to Operational Sustainability | Houston, TX
Owner's Representation
Design Review
Record Verification
Bocci Engineering supported operations and maintenance with consulting and construction administration for survey readiness, and successful acceptance of three medical buildings under construction (Clinical Services Wing, Victory Lakes, and Jennie Sealy Hospital Replacement) for UTMB. Bocci provided owner’s representation services with a focus on critical code type A & B systems, including:
Fire protection
Life safety
Security, Emergency power systems
Normal electrical distribution systems
BAS and Controls systems
In the electrical domain, we conducted a detailed review of emergency systems design, ensuring compliance with codes such as the National Electrical Code, NFPA 99, 100, and 110. Our involvement spanned construction inspections, equipment testing, generator load bank and functional testing, and providing input on emergency system load shedding priorities. This included owner witnessing of electrical start-up, acceptance functional performance testing (FPT), Integrated system testing, and Pull the Plug tests.
During the transition to sustainable operations, we maintained an issues log, produced field and test observation reports, and verified asset records in the field. Responsibilities also encompassed data management, coordination between BIM 360 Field and CMMS tools, and CMMS Import for UTMB i-Space and Maximo.
In response to Hurricane Ike’s impact on UTMB’s District Heating and Cooling System (DHCS), we played a key role in implementing a $300 million Hazard Mitigation Repair Plan (HMRP). This comprehensive plan involved constructing a new distribution loop and establishing two state-of-the-art 7.5-MW cogeneration power plants, mitigating future threats to critical UTMB operations.
Additionally, our studies for Integrated Energy Systems at UTMB aimed to improve energy efficiency and resilience. We optimized redundancy, aligned with the 25-year campus master plan, and secured FEMA and State funding for the CHP project. We also estimated the local utility incentive rebate.